Thursday, October 7, 2021


 What do you mean by movie ?

A film ,also known as a "movie" or a " motion picture", is a series of moving images  shown on  a screen, usually with sound, that make up a story. The movie itself is a film, and you can also use the word to mean  the photographic strip of plastic that runs through a camera and captures the film's images.

What is the difference between a film & a movie ?

A film  attempts to convey or explore something larger than itself. A movie is about giving the audience exactly what they want. A film forces the audience to grow in some way, to leave the theater slightly better humans than when they came in.

What is a movie purpose ?

Film is used for a range of goals, including education and propaganda. When the purpose is primarily educational, a film is called an 'educational film'.

The Basic Film Genres









( Adventure )

adventure movie
horror movie
fantasy movie

comedy movie

Tuesday, October 5, 2021


 What is WiFi ?

You could check if there are two listed and remove both by Right-clicking the network icon, and select Network and Sharing Center, and then select Change adapter settings in the left pane. You will see WiFi 1 and 2 listed remove both restart the computer and connect again.

What is wifi 1 ?

The Standard IEEE 802.11ac is referred as WiFi 5. This WiFi standard is successor to IEEE 802. 11n ( i.e. WiFi 4 ) This is the first wifi standard in which beamforming has been added to the MIMO and multi-user MIMO feature are also introduced.


 Can we breathe in Mars ?

The atmosphere on Mars is mostly made of carbon dioxide. It is also 100 times thinner than the Earth's atmosphere, so even if it did have a similar composition to the air here, humans would be unable to breathe it to survive.

Because Earth is tectonically active, old crust continually melts into the mantle and forms new crust at plate boundaries, recycling water and other molecules back into the atmosphere through volcanism. Mars however, is mostly tectonically inactive, and so the " drying" of the surface, once it occurs, is permanent.\

Can we plant trees on Mars?

Growing a tree on Mars will surely fail with time. The Martian soil lacks nutrients for soil growth and the weather is too cold to grow a tree...... . 

Who is a spider and an insect?

 Spiders are not insects. Insects fall under the class Insects while spiders fall under the Arachnida class. An insect has six legs, two compound eyes, three body parts ( head, thorax, and segmented abdomen ) , two antennae, and generally four wings.

                                                       ( This picture is captured by myself )

Unlike insect, spider do not have antennae. Antennae are joint appendages that are mounted to an insect's head. These are used not just to feel, but also to taste and smell. Spiders also lack wings, and therefore cannot fly.

A  spider is in a group of Arthropods called arachnids. 

Birds Life Cycle

 While a hatchling is growing in the nest and being fed by its parents we call it nestling....... . An adult bird attracts a mate, builds a nest and raises young to start the cycle all over again. Some birds migrate or travel long distances as part of their life cycle. Other birds stay in one area throughout the seasons.

Which is the correct sequence for the life cycle of a bird ?

Egg, Baby bird, Grown bird

                                                 ( This pictures are captured by my self )

How many stages are there in a bird life cycle ?

7 Stages 


A newborn bird is called a hatchling. It is mostly or entirely naked, and is totally helpless. Hatchling stay in the nest and cannot walk or perch.


 Catfish are an order of teleost fish, the Silurformes. There are about 40 families in order. They are called catfish because their barbels look like the whiskers of a cat.... . The longest  is wels catfish, up to 4m (13ft)

What are special about Catfish ?

Catfish are a diverse group of ray-finned fish.... . One catfish can lay up to 4,000 eggs a year per pound of body weight. The catfish has over 27,000 taste buds. Young catfish are called " sac fry " because they still live off of the food supplied by the yolk sacs. 

                                         ( This picture is captured by myself from my pet fish tank )

Polar Blue Parrot Fish

 How big do polar parrot cichlids get ?

These Polar Blue Parrot Cichlids are thought to be hybrids of Parrot Cichlids and Convict Cichlids. We've heard the original hybrids occurred Taiwan. But now these fish live in aquariums, all over the world. Maximum Size: in aquariums, they can grow to be about 8" long.

Dorsal & Anal fin shape, Body shape, Fail & fin  color, Vent shape 

These are 4 features to identify male female in Polar Blue Parrot Fish 

( This picture is captured by myself from my pet fish tank )


 Molluscs live in terrestrial, marine and fresh water environments. Snail, Bivalva, Chiton, Slug, Cuttle fish and Octopus are some examples ...